Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Love For-

   I have a love for many things. These things could include friends, video games, soccer, basketball, funny things, music, and food.  All these things make me happy in my everyday life. Also these things get me through everyday life. I have a love for friends because they can pick me up when I'm feeling bad, video games because I can be a whole different person, on a whole different adventure, in a whole different society. I have a love for soccer and basketball because I'm slightly good at both, they're interactive, and my friends all play them. Jokes ore funny things are naturally most anybody’s favorite things because, well, they're funny. I have a love for music because I am naturally good at singing and playing musical instruments, it makes me feel like a bigger and better person when I play music or when I listen to it. And lastly, I love food because food makes every situation better. All these things are important to me and that’s why I love them, thanks.

1 comment:

Caryn Kirk said...

I enjoyed both your posts this quarter! They are funny with a lot of details. You are good at this type of writing! However... please spend some time proofreading. And - make sure you do all the required posts!

DUC = 9/10
Voice = 3/3
Mech = 3/4
Completion = 5/8
Total = 20/25